Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Your No1 Online Resume (Bonus: iPhone & Pdf Theme)

Your No1 Online Resume (Bonus: iPhone & Pdf Theme) - Resume / CV Specialty Pages

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Your #1 Online CV, Iphone theme included & PDF Layout

- Very easy change backgrounds

- Iphone theme included (awsome)

- PDF theme included

- 2 sets of icons (pixel & social icons)

- Print stylesheet

- png fix

- Browser Compatibility IE(6,7,8), Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari

- Php Contact Form with validation

- Easy status configuration

- Automatic thumbnail generation

- Custom fancy font – http://www.yanone.de/typedesign/kaffeesatz/

- Social media links

- Good documentation

- Tooltips & Colorbox included

- Business Cards design included

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